Thank you, Fr. William, and thank you to everyone who gave in response to Fr. William’s mission appeal! Our parishes have given more than $2300 to support the Diocese of Damongo in Ghana.
Fr. William made his appeal this past weekend asking for funds to help the formation of seminarians and lay catechists as well as building up robust faith formation programs to serve this Catholic-minority region in his home country of Ghana.
You can still contribute! Gifts online or in-person that are marked for the Mission Appeal will be added to what has already been collected and sent along to serve the Catholic community of Damongo.
Fr. Michael
To make a donation online, please click on the green ‘Give‘ button at the top of the page. From there choose, ‘One Time’ or ‘Recurring‘. Then click on ‘Fund‘ and then ‘Missions‘ and then ‘Catholic Home Mission Appeal‘.